Proof²: body of work
evidence, verification, corroboration,
authentication, confirmation, certification,
documentation, validation, attestation,
music autoplay ~ "Gorilla"
Journey to Now
About Jhan Doe/Eliyahu FULL BIO

"'I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. Music, hip-hop came to me via arrest, writing poetry and church choir, in that order. It took a summer trip to Ghana, West Africa to reshape a perspective long born in the fires of a broken home and ghetto life. At heart, this music is for those who allow themselves to feel, to think, evaluate their surroundings and grow in spite of them or self, to want to see change for the better. Inside the world of hip-hop or not, educated or not, if you love good music, this is for you. This is Life As Art. THE MOVEMENT." >>>>
The Music. Jhan Doe started writing and was a published poet and musician at 13 years old. By 22, he released his first album The Last Confession which made it to Rocafella Records with Dame Dash and Jay Z. 12 albums later, Jhan aka Eliyahu has graced stages with Curtis Brown, Emel, Nappy Roots, Rachel Lampa, Manafest, Ryan Stevenson, international artists Rene Mars, TweliG, Sevin of GOM/HOGMOB, Bizzle, Datin, Prevail Infinite, Aktually, Hellodollface and countless others.
Assembling international hip-hop artists for the album release "Dreams of Illumination" and a show in Daikanyama, Tokyo, Japan May 16, 2014 culminated in a new and more refreshing direction partnering high end fashion (APOMW) and legendary, transcendent hip-hop. APOMW will bring a new mixtape featuring Jhan Doe and new clothing line in 2018/19.
THE MOVEMENT. LIFE AS ART. Now, Eliyahu has taken a personal commitment to use the music as a tool to protect our future in the state of New Mexico. By asking the right questions, removing obstacles for high school teens and engaging key cultural issues plaguing today's youth, NOW is the time for YOU to be part of the change. Come see what that means. Click here.
LIFE AS ART: the body of work designed to change the world around us. The proof²?=G-D/Yeshuah.

Proof² >>>>
body of work

"More than a brand, it's a way of life."
"To gain, you must sometimes take great risks. To drive, you may need to take a seat as the passenger. This journey ain't pretty. It ain't always beautiful. Welcome to the beautiful struggle. You will see the Proof of this journey through my partnerships to bring direction and mentorship to future generations. Partnering with me means you too want to represent this forward-moving journey while understanding my passion for love, light, life, growth and Yashuah. Such aspiration is dangerous. We aspire. We are the proof of hip-hop's depth beyond self-proclaimation."

body of work:
the collected work of an author; the writings of early church fathers; final product; things produced
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"I am HIS body of work."
On race in hip hop. "People make hip hop a race thing. But hip hop is so powerful, it has ultimately taken in people of all races. When I go to Japan, I got Japanese brothers saying, “Rap for me!” and they can barely speak English. Race is garbage. Yes, there are still racial tensions in American and anyplace else. But what I’m trying to do is edify." Click to expand article